Will I ever see her again?

Staring down in wonder at this person who so graciously shares with me her time and loyalty, day after day. I give her a quick head massage and a few spotted kisses to the face and I’m out the door.

Will I ever see her again?

Interestingly enough this article relates somewhat to Stoicism; the school of Hellenistic philosophy and the works of chaps like Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. Both authors I highly recommend reading and there are, of course, many others. It’s very humbling to know that arguably the greatest Emperor in Roman history was facing the same developmental challenges as us thousands of years on. One subject that is written about is – What is in a man’s control.

Mainly his will, and not a lot else.

Being the early riser that I am, this morning routine was a staple in my relationship long before I read into stoicism. However, the school of thought provided me with a new and interesting perspective on the matter. When I am looking down at the person with which I’ve chosen to spend my time with, I now have this realisation:

She is mortal and I am mortal, neither of us is in control of that fact, nor should we be concerned by it. The most natural eventuality after coming in to this world is to leave it. Like mine; her energy, or whatever it is that makes up her conscience, imagination, will, creativity and uniqueness, will inevitably be dispersed back into the source from which it came. She is not mine to own and I cannot keep her. This is outside of my will and therefore outside of my concern.

One day…Some day….Today….?

Some might think this is a sad realisation, it really isn’t. Reluctantly, I leave her side each morning. I’m grateful for the moments that we have shared and I hope to see her again, but am no fool to think that my hopes will be satisfied indefinitely.  This in turn makes every moment that I do get to share with her incredibly meaningful.

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” – Marcus Aurelius.

Maybe you think like me on this particular subject, maybe you don’t. The next time you leave the company of someone you value, ask yourself.

Will I ever see them again?

Thanks much.

Michael Saul.

As always I’m happy to receive any form of feedback and welcome the chance to learn other peoples opinions.

Stoicism was a very interesting field to learn a little about and it’s something I’d like to delve deeper into. This article purely relates to my relationship, however, the concepts of this particular philosophy spread to every area of life and are well worth exploring in my opinion. I thoroughly enjoyed the discourses of Epictetus. 

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